Friday, July 1, 2016

CHED orients HEIs on grants for displaced workers

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet, June 29(PIA) --- Around 140 representatives from various higher education institutions (HEIs) and government line agencies in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) attended the orientation on Instruction, Research and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) grants and  a workshop on the K-12 Transition Scholarship Nomination held recently.

Spearheaded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the activity aimed to assist HEIs in creating and submitting nominations for prospective faculty and staff scholars, as well as   clarifying issues   to ensure complete submissions of requirements within timeline. The activity was seen as an opportunity for faculty members to upgrade their qualifications.

CHED said the implementation of the K-12 program will result to a decrease in the number of enrolment in tertiary education schools as students are required to enter senior high school instead of going straight to college. With this, faculty members will then have less teaching loads and thus will have more free time to engage in and pursue higher learning through IRSE grants.

CHED-CAR Regional Director Romulo Malvar encouraged the various HEIs in the region to recommend their personnel to avail of the various grants according to their transition plans. With their transition plans, faculty members in both private and public institutions have longer time table to pursue graduate studies, engage in research, and even get involved in sector engagements like industry, government and civil society.

“Exposure to industry immersion makes them updated and when they go back to their institutions, they teach with expertise,” Malvar added.

The participants were also given updates on scholarship for graduate studies, senior high school support grants, institutional innovation programs, professional advancement and foreign scholarships. (JDP/JBZ- PIA CAR)  

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