“Employers should observe the pay rules for the regular holiday on July 6.”
This statement was issued by DOLE-1 Regional Director Grace Ursua following the issuance of Labor Advisory No. 09, series of 2016 by newly installed Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III.
The Labor Advisory stipulates the rules for the payment of wages on July 6 which was proclaimed regular holiday by President Rodrigo Duterte through Proclamation No. 6 in observance of Eid’l Fitr or the Feast of Ramadhan.
Based on the said advisory, the computation of wages on July 6 is as follows:
1. If the employee did not work, he/she shall be paid 100% of his/her salary for that day [(Daily rate + COLA) x 100%];
2. For work done during the regular holiday, the employee shall be paid 200% of his/her regular salary for that day for the first eight hours [(Daily rate + COLA) x 200%];
3. For work done in excess of eight hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said day [Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200% x 130% x number of hours worked];
4. For work done during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her daily rate of 200%[(Daily rate + COLA) x 200%] + [30% (Daily rate x 200%)], and
5. For work done in excess of eight hours (overtime work) during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said day (Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200% x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked).
“As we join our Muslim brothers and sisters in celebrating Eid’l Fitr, you can put more meaning in the occasion by giving your workers what is due them,” Director Ursua told employers.
She said workers who will not be paid correctly should visit the nearest field offices of the DOLE in the cities of Laoag (Ilocos Norte), Vigan (Ilocos Sur), San Fernando (La Union), Dagupan (Central Pangasinan), Alaminos (Western Pangasinan) and in Rosales (Eastern Pangasinan). END/Arly Sta. Ana-Valdez